Create smart forms that just work

3000+ happy users

Receive orders, signups, contact requests, and more right away. Works on any website, can also be shared via a link, and integrates with over 2000 apps like MailChimp and Google Sheets. Includes question logic, personalization, translations, AI text analysis, and much more. Celebrate your success every day.

Get started-it's free
14 days. Free and expires automatically.

Recognize this?

Without Smilejet
You want a form on your website quickly but don’t know how or the options are limited.

You already have a form, but answer validation like email is insufficient, causing you to miss customers due to typos.

You want less worry about legislation, guidelines, and security like GDPR and WCAG.


Laat nieuwe leden zich inschrijven.
Ontvang inschrijvingen per e-mail en exporteer naar Excel.

Voorbeeld (nieuw tabblad)
Conversationeel bestelformulier
Vergeet saaie formulieren en laat mensen op een meer interactieve manier bestellingen en boekingen plaatsen.

Voorbeeld (nieuw tabblad)
Nieuwsbrief inschrijvingen
Laat mensen aanmelden voor de nieuwsbrief en koppel het bijvoorbeeld met MailChimp.

Voorbeeld (slide-in)

We get it

Ralph, creator of Smilejet: It was early 2011, and at that time, I was making and improving websites. One question that kept coming up with nearly every website was whether I could add online forms. Back then, there were far fewer options. I had to develop the forms from scratch every time, and the ... Read more

How Smilejet helps you succeed

With a smart and user-friendly form builder, you can create virtually any form you have in mind. In just a few minutes, it will be on your website, posted on social media, in emails, or offline via a QR code. Level up and show forms at the right time with Distribute. See how your visitors experience forms and websites with Observe, gain insight into where they’re getting stuck and what they’re talking about with Analyze.

Receive more and better answers.

We all know the standard forms: functional but dull and cold. Now, you can ask questions in a conversational way. Questions are asked one by one, as if it’s a conversation. It’s more interactive and often yields more and better answers.

Automatically translate questions and answers.

Translate form questions with a simple click into over 15 languages. Receive answers from people around the world, and have them automatically translated into your selected language while retaining the original response.

Show forms at the right time and place.

With Distribute, integrate your forms seamlessly into other page content, as a striking pop-up, subtly sliding in, and more. Optionally set conditions for when the form should be shown for greater relevance. For example, when visitors are about to leave the site, scroll down, experience friction, and more.

Works well with others

Seamlessly connect with over 2,000 popular web apps like MailChimp, Salesforce, and Google Sheets.

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Questions? We have answers

What types of forms can I create?
What is a question type?
How can I create a form?

Am I committed to anything?
How much does it cost?
Can I try it first?
Will I face hidden costs later?
Can I upgrade or downgrade later?

How secure is my customer data?
Where is customer data stored?
Who has access to my customer data?
How about customer privacy?
What happens in case of a data breach?

How long does the implementation take?
Will I get help with the implementation?
Which integrations are possible?

What support do I get?
What are the support response times?
Is there a help center available?
Will I get training for my team?

Is it compliant with GDPR guidelines?
Can I export my data?
Do I need permission to load your installation tag?
What happens to my data if I stop?